Dr. Ann

Based on the current science, here are the most effective parent and home-based strategies for preventing obesity and improving weight control in youth. Be a healthy role model by striving to keep your weight in a healthy range. Sit down for healthy family meals as often as possible and limit dining out. Limit your child’s […]

Omega 3 fats, specifically DHA and EPA, are essential nutrients that must be obtained via the diet. They play a fundamental role in brain, cardiovascular, and immune health, and most kid’s diets are woefully deficient in these vital fats. Follow these guidelines to be sure your child receives optimal amounts: Seafood, particularly oily fish (salmon, […]

March 21, 2014 • Kids Health

Parent Alert

In a study that included over 6,500 American youth ages 10-14, having a television in the bedroom was a significant predictor of weight gain.  By statistical analysis, bedroom televisions account for over 15 million pounds of excess weight gain per year in American adolescents. (And over half of all teens in the US have a […]

In the first major study to assess both fitness and body weight in the teen years—and relate it to the future risk of having a heart attack—scientists uncovered some notable findings. The study included 743,498 Swedish men who had their body weight and fitness levels measured at age 18. The study subjects were then monitored […]

With over 20 years of experience as the nutritional gate-keeper for my husband and 4 children, I have mastered the science of health by stealth.  Here are my favorite ways to sneak better nutrition into my family’s lives with simple switcheroos:   100% spreadable fruit for regular jelly/jams Part-skim or 2% cheeses for full-fat varieties […]

Over the past week, I read several important study findings looking at omega 3 fats in children, and all of them really grabbed my attention. Omega 3 fats are “essential” fats that play a critical role in brain, cardiovascular, and immune health. Here are the study highlights. I hope they will grab your attention too!   […]

Raising a healthy eater can sometimes be easier said than done. Here are my top 5 tips for raising a healthy eater: Be a healthy role model. Make sure your home is a haven for healthy eating. Sit down for family meals as often as possible. Always use positive language and an upbeat, cheerful attitude […]

As a mother of 4, I know that getting kids to eat their veggies can be a challenge. Here are some tips that have proved effective in my household. Go Stealth. Shred veggies (or buy them already shredded) carrots, zucchini, cabbage, broccoli, etc. and add to meatloaf, spaghetti sauce, lasagna, and baked goods like muffins […]

After immersing human tooth enamel in a broad range of sports drinks and energy drinks several times a day – dental researchers observed irreversible tooth enamel erosion after just five days. Both beverages are highly acidic and acids in beverages are known to erode tooth enamel. (General Dentistry May/June 2012) From 2001 to 2009, the […]

In a study involving 559 teens, the more fructose (a component of sugary foods and beverages) they consumed, the higher their blood pressure and fasting blood sugar, and the lower their HDL (good) cholesterol. These finding were most marked in teens with excess belly fat. (Journal of Nutrition, February 2012) In a study that sought […]

Cardiovascular researchers recently presented some alarming and ominous scientific findings that should be a huge wake up call for all of us, especially parents. For the report, scientists evaluated the presence of seven cardiovascular risk factors in a representative sample of 5,547 American teens between the ages of 12 and 19. The data was particularly […]

Not many cereals are healthy. Instead, most are just the opposite, loaded with sugar. Based on a review by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit research and advocacy organization, the 10 cereals wtih the highest sugar content (by percentage weight) are: Kellogg’s Honey Smacks (55.6%) Post Golden Crisp (51.9%) Kellogg’s Froot Loops Marshmellow (48.3%) Quaker Oats […]