Dr. Ann

Plant-based diets scored another healthy victory thanks to investigators from Colorado State University.  After carefully following the diets of 34,028 Chinese women over 10 years, those who reported eating the most fruit, vegetables, and soy foods lowered their risk of developing breast cancer by 30 percent.  The cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Brussels […]

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly of all types of cancer and a jolting new report revealed a strong association between very modest intakes of soda and this lethal cancer.    Investigators followed 60,524 adults over a 14 year period and found those who consumed two or more sodas per week were 87% […]

I remain in awe of the spectacular power physical activity provides on the disease-busting front.  Two new studies trumpet yet again its effectiveness for keeping the big C at bay.  Reporting in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (July 09), Finnish researchers concluded that men who engaged in moderate to vigorous exercise for at least […]

One of the most spectacular scientific advancements of the past 2 decades has been the recognition that as individuals, we have enormous power and control over whether or not we will develop chronic disease.  Thankfully, cancer is no exception to this glorious biologic reality.  Based on the latest scientific estimates, up to 70% of all […]

On the subject of potent antioxidants, we now know that constantly infusing our bodies with a steady stream of them should be the “bedrock” for healthy living.  A landmark, highly ambitious study that monitored genetic mutations through the human equivalent of 5,000 years — has shown for the very first time that the lion’s share […]

Cancer of the pancreas remains one of the most deadly of all malignancies and a new study provides the most powerful evidence yet, linking grilled or charred red meat with this ominous disease.  After closely following the deaths of 62,000 healthy adults over a nine year period, investigators reported that those with the highest intakes […]

When it comes to palatal pleasure and health-boosting performance nuts score a perfect 10, and an exciting new laboratory study provides yet another reason for women to be nuts over nuts.  Scientists reporting at the American Association for Cancer Research, (Denver, Apr 09) found that mice engineered to develop breast cancer who were fed the […]

Oily fish is nature’s most abundant source of long-chained omega 3 fatty acids, currently considered the Queen of the healthy fats.  It also happens to be nature’s only food that provides a hefty dose of vitamin D, the current King of vitamins. “Oily” fish include salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and lake trout.  To view a […]

A disheartening finding in the August issue of Patient Education and Counseling served as a provocative reminder to me to remind you of the power we hold as individuals to slash our cancer risk simply by moving more.  Despite the fact that regular exercise has been shown to lower colon cancer risk by 30 – […]

From a disease-prevention standpoint, the Mediterranean-style eating pattern, which features heavy use of extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO), regularly comes out on top as the tastiest and most efficacious. According to BMC Cancer (Dec. 08), Spanish researchers have discovered some super potent, anti-cancer chemicals in EVOO that may explain why this eating style is associated with […]