Dr. Ann

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly of all types of cancer and a jolting new report revealed a strong association between very modest intakes of soda and this lethal cancer.    Investigators followed 60,524 adults over a 14 year period and found those who consumed two or more sodas per week were 87% […]

I remain in awe of the spectacular power physical activity provides on the disease-busting front.  Two new studies trumpet yet again its effectiveness for keeping the big C at bay.  Reporting in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (July 09), Finnish researchers concluded that men who engaged in moderate to vigorous exercise for at least […]

A disheartening finding in the August issue of Patient Education and Counseling served as a provocative reminder to me to remind you of the power we hold as individuals to slash our cancer risk simply by moving more.  Despite the fact that regular exercise has been shown to lower colon cancer risk by 30 – […]

A massive, new, landmark review of the most definitive science to date provides confirmation that we, as individuals, have enormous control over whether or not we will develop cancer.  Titled Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer:  a Global Perspective – the report was the most comprehensive ever undertaken to examine the impact of […]