Dr. Ann

If burning fat is one of your goals for working out, you may want to skip your post-workout snack.  Reporting in the Journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism (2007), investigators found that after a 1-hour walk on the treadmill, study subjects experienced a 40% boost in insulin efficiency (which translates to a faster metabolism […]

In a landmark report, Johns Hopkins researchers have taken the scientific validity of the power of healthy living to a whole new level. For this evaluation, the researchers carefully followed how four key lifestyle factors affected the risk of heart disease and overall death risk in over 6,200 racially diverse study subjects. All of the […]

There is now robust evidence that dementia develops over several decades and that physical activity/exercise, because it benefits the brain through so many different ways, is arguably the single most powerful strategy available to protect our mental faculties. Simply taking a brisk 30-minute walk most days during your adult life may mean the difference between […]

According to exercise physiologists at Duke University, we have some powerful evidence for the best type of exercise to lose that infamous belly fat. Researchers completed a head-to-head comparison of aerobic exercise vs. resistance exercise vs. a combo of the two, and found that the fastest and most beneficial exercise route for burning belly fat was […]

Woohoo! Exercise compares to prescription drugs for lowering blood pressure. It is well-established that physical activity can lower blood pressure, but there have never been formal trials to pit one against the other. To get around this, researchers combined the results of 194 clinical trials assessing drugs for blood pressure and 197 trials looking at […]

In a highly informative and rigorous, new evaluation, scientists identified a small handful of nutrients that appear to be integral for optimal brain power. They began by selecting 32 nutrients common to the Mediterranean Diet because of this diet’s strong association in past studies with less dementia risk. Then they measured levels of these nutrients […]

If shedding some weight via exercise is one of your health goals for the New Year and you want to get the most bang for your time, you would be best served to incorporate aerobic vs. resistance exercise. In a study that marks the largest randomized trial ever undertaken to directly quantify changes in body […]

Roasting is arguably the easiest and tastiest way to prepare your veggies. It preserves their nutrients while concentrating their natural sugars and flavors, which makes them particularly yummy to even the pickiest palates.   Watch the video here! Roasting also shrinks them in size (because it removes their water), making it easier to consume more […]

If you want to add years to your life and life to your years, be sure to be physically active in your 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s. We already have a mountain of irrefutable science that high fitness levels reduce the risk of premature death, but scientists had never examined how fitness in mid-life may impact […]

September 11, 2018 • Weight Control

The Dangers of Belly Fat

It is now firmly established that not all body fat is created equal when it comes to making us sick.  Although we may not like the appearance of fat deposited on our arms, legs, hips, and thighs, this fat is a rather benign metabolic slug that basically just its sits there.  This is in sharp […]

Because even small amounts of excess body fat, especially if deposited in the belly, can boost the risk of many chronic diseases – taking steps to power up your metabolism can pay big health dividends. Simply stated, metabolism is the calories burned for the production of energy necessary to keep the body functioning properly. Whether […]

There is a widespread scientific consensus that dining out increases the risk of eating excess calories and well-conducted studies confirm it. According to a comprehensive evaluation by USDA researchers, here is what you can expect in terms of extra calories when you choose to eat foods away from home: Each additional meal or snack consumed […]