It is widely recognized that the monounsaturated fats in olive oil are good for the heart, but many people are unaware of the additional goodness provided by this flavorful oil’s rich array of super-charged antioxidant chemicals called polyphenols. These special chemicals have exhibited all sorts of dazzling benefits in the laboratory and now we have […]
The alarms linking calcium supplements with a greater risk of cardiovascular events just got significantly louder. Several recent studies have raised concerns that calcium supplements may elevate cardiovascular risk, and a large new study published in the journal Heart adds to this fear. For this evaluation investigators followed almost 24,000 middle age adults for an average of […]
Evidence is quickly mounting that when you eat and the timing of your meals may be as important as what and how much you eat. In a fascinating new laboratory study, scientists found that lab rats that consumed high fat food over a restricted period of 8 hours a day gained significantly less weight and […]
After completing the most rigorous and comprehensive review of scientific data to date, an expert panel of world-renown cancer experts recommended, “fast foods be consumed sparingly, if at all.” They concluded that limiting calorically dense food, especially fast foods and sugary beverages, was one of the most important steps an individual could take to reduce […]
In a stunning affirmation of the profound health-boosting effects of regular physical activity, European Cardiovascular researchers concluded that regular jogging can dramatically increase life expectancy. As part of the Copenhagen City Heart Study, investigators followed 19,329 adult study subjects over a period of up to 35 years. Study subjects who reported regular jogging at a […]
In a study involving 559 teens, the more fructose (a component of sugary foods and beverages) they consumed, the higher their blood pressure and fasting blood sugar, and the lower their HDL (good) cholesterol. These finding were most marked in teens with excess belly fat. (Journal of Nutrition, February 2012) In a study that sought […]
In an analysis of four former studies including a total of 352,384 study subjects, those consuming the most white rice were 27% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes relative to those eating the least. The relationship between white rice and diabetes was especially marked in Asian populations with a 55% higher risk in the […]
Study after study after study has linked drinking sugary beverages to a host of modern day ills. And here is another one. In an evaluation involving thousands of adults of various ethnicities, middle-aged women who reported drinking two or more sugary beverages (like soda, fruit drinks, sports drinks, etc) daily were almost four times more likely to […]
According to scientific projections presented at the recent Annual American Heart Association Meeting (AHA Scientific Session November 16, 2011 Orlando, FL), Americans are on the fast track to catastrophic health consequences as a result of unhealthy living. Based on the researcher’s analysis, 83 percent of men and 72 percent women will be overweight or obese […]
For optimal weight control, be sure to have your protein and eat it too. Past studies have indicated that the amount of protein in the diet plays an influential role in how many total calories are consumed over the day. Thanks to a new study – we now have some scientific verification that getting enough protein is […]
I am wildly enthusiastic about eating nuts because the science behind this delectable food group is simply glorious. And just when I thought it could not get any better, scientists have uncovered yet another reason to be nuts about nuts. Because past studies had indicated that nuts provide protection against metabolic syndrome (MetS), scientists sought […]
The underlying metabolic problem in type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance. Victims of type 2 diabetes typically suffer from some degree of insulin resistance for many years prior to developing the disease in full. If your insulin doesn’t work well and you eat the Great White Hazards, your pancreas is forced to release that much […]