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April 10, 2015 • Healthy Eating & Nutrition

5 Delicious Recipes for Cooked Greens

spinach 2I consider dark leafy greens the healthiest food on the planet and the easiest way to “feel” the power of healthy eating. Make it a dietary dictum to eat some form of dark leafy greens (raw or cooked) every day. Here are 5 delicious recipes thanks to my youngest daughter Lucie who is gifted in the kitchen.

Notes: These recipes can be used with hardy greens such as kale, collards, or cabbage or with tender greens such as spinach, Swiss chard, beet greens, and turnip greens. If you use tender greens, make sure to take into account they cook faster. Often times they do not need to be covered and simmered.
Also, the recipes call for fresh cracked pepper, if you don’t have a pepper grinder get one! Lastly, greens can be cooked for longer, until melt-in-your-mouth tender or just until still a bit chewy. I prefer them “underdone” and chewy when they are super fresh or when I am serving them below my spaghetti sauce or pasta sauce instead of noodles, but suit your own palate of course!


Sautéed Greens with Garlic and Anchovy

No worries, you can’t taste the anchovy. The addition of one or two anchovies adds a savory depth known as umami. This is a simple go-to-recipe for greens that pairs well with anything.

1 1/2 lbs kale, collards, or your choice of winter green, rinsed, de-ribbed and roughly chopped
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 packed in oil anchovies
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil or butter or a 1:1 combination Salt and pepper to taste

Heat the oil or butter over medium high heat in a large heavy skillet. Add the garlic and anchovy, mashing the anchovy to turn it into a paste, but stirring frequently so neither burn. Once the garlic is slightly golden, about 1-2 minutes, add greens, salt, and pepper. Stir the greens over high heat for a couple minutes until beginning to wilt, then add a splash of water, cover pan, and reduce heat to extra low. Simmer them with the top on for 5 minutes. Check them for desired tenderness. They may be done depending on the freshness of greens, but if they aren’t, stir them and then return the lid to continue cooking until desired doneness.


Coconut Curried Winter Greens

Add chickpeas to this and you have yourself a one dish vegetarian meal!

1 1/2 lbs winter greens of choice (kale, collars, etc.) rinsed, de-ribbed and roughly chopped
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil or canola oil Half a yellow onion, chopped
1 14 oz. can coconut milk, lite or regular
2 1/2 tbsp Thai red curry paste
3 tbsp raisins or any dried fruit
A handful of toasted chopped cashews

Sauté the onion in the oil over medium high heat in a large skillet until softened. Add greens and salt and cook over high heat stirring often until beginning to wilt. Stir in the curry paste and coconut milk, being sure the paste is evenly distributed. Bring the greens to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and cover. Cook the greens covered, stirring every now and then until desired tenderness. Stir in raisins and serve with nuts scattered atop.


Stewed Greens and Tomatoes

1 1/2 lbs greens of your choice rinsed, de-ribbed and roughly chopped
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 15 oz can of diced tomatoes
1 tbsp chopped fresh oregano, thyme, or rosemary
1/2 tbsp smoked paprika
Shaved Parmesan cheese, optional

Sauté the onion in the olive oil over medium high heat in a large skillet until barely softened. Add garlic, herbs, and salt and continue sautéing until onion begins to turn golden, about 5 more minutes. Add tomatoes and bring to a boil. Lower heat and cook until thickened, about 10 minutes. Stir in greens and paprika and cover pan. Cook greens covered, stirring every now and then until desired tenderness. Serve passing the Parmesan and cracked pepper at the table.


Crisp Tender Greens with Lemon, Toasted almonds, and Dried Fruit

1 1/2 lbs greens of your choice rinsed, de-ribbed and roughly chopped
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
2 large shallots, finely chopped
1/4 cup toasted almonds, chopped
1/4 cup dried fruit of choice, (raisins, blueberries, apricots,
The juice of one fresh lemon
Salt and fresh cracked pepper

Sauté the onion in the olive oil over medium high heat in a large skillet until golden. Add greens and salt and sauté until wilted, stirring often. If they seem too dry add a splash of water. Remove from heat and toss with lemon juice, almonds, dried fruit, and lots of fresh cracked pepper.


Smokey Greens with Canadian Bacon

1 1/2 lbs greens of your choice rinsed, de-ribbed and roughly chopped
2 tbsp unsalted organic butter
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 oz Canadian bacon or natural smoked ham, diced
1 cup chicken broth
Lots of fresh cracked pepper

Sauté the onion and garlic in a large skillet over medium high heat until softened, about 5 minutes. Add bacon or ham and cook until it begins to brown along the edges, about 3 minutes. Stir in greens, salt, and pepper.
Stir the greens over high heat for a couple minutes until beginning to wilt, then add broth and bring to a boil. Cover pan and reduce heat to extra low.
5 minutes later stir greens – they may be done depending on their freshness , but if they aren’t, return the lid and continue cooking until desired doneness. Season with salt and lots of pepper! Serve over brown rice if desired.