Dr. Ann

Healthy Eating & Nutrition

Recipe: Incredibly Tasty Black Bean Burgers

I worked for a few months tweaking this recipe until I nailed it. This wholesome bean-based burger is everything you are looking for – delicious, filling, super-healthy and easy to make.

Healthy Eating & Nutrition, Healthy Living

Fermented Foods Score a Huge Win

This is really big! In an elegantly conducted clinical trial by one of the world’s most esteemed microbiome scientists we find that stepping up the intake of fermented foods is a quick and effective way to boost gut microbial diversity AND decrease damaging inflammation—even more so than stepping up your intake of fiber-rich plant foods! […]

Foods Highest In Flavonoids, Flavones, & Anthocyanins

These remarkable compounds have been linked to powerful health protection and are especially known for their anti-inflammatory and gut microbiome-enhancing properties. Flavonoids Dark Leafy Greens Onions Apples Berries Cherries Dark Chocolate Soybeans Coffee Red Wine Freshly Brewed Green and Black Tea Citrus Fruits  Flavones Parsley – fresh best Apples – organic best; eat the skin […]

Zoom to Health Testimonials

Hear from real-life students who have benefitted from committing to my yearlong program! Be sure you’re on the waitlist to be the first to receive ALL the details about Zoom to Health C’2025. CLICK HERE TO BE SURE YOU’RE ON THE WAITLIST.

I worked for a few months tweaking this recipe until I nailed it. This wholesome bean-based burger is everything you are looking for – delicious, filling, super-healthy and easy to make.

This is really big! In an elegantly conducted clinical trial by one of the world’s most esteemed microbiome scientists we find that stepping up the intake of fermented foods is a quick and effective way to boost gut microbial diversity AND decrease damaging inflammation—even more so than stepping up your intake of fiber-rich plant foods! […]

These remarkable compounds have been linked to powerful health protection and are especially known for their anti-inflammatory and gut microbiome-enhancing properties. Flavonoids Dark Leafy Greens Onions Apples Berries Cherries Dark Chocolate Soybeans Coffee Red Wine Freshly Brewed Green and Black Tea Citrus Fruits  Flavones Parsley – fresh best Apples – organic best; eat the skin […]

July 16, 2024 •

Zoom to Health Testimonials

Hear from real-life students who have benefitted from committing to my yearlong program! Be sure you’re on the waitlist to be the first to receive ALL the details about Zoom to Health C’2025. CLICK HERE TO BE SURE YOU’RE ON THE WAITLIST.

Today I want to highlight a remarkable, truly awe-inspiring  category of plant compounds called Polyphenols – Polyphenols are miracle workers in our bodies. They number in the thousands and thankfully are distributed amongst the full gamut of our plant-based foods: fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains, mushrooms, nuts and seeds. So–what makes them so amazing? There are two invaluable  things […]

May 28, 2024 •

Wellness Retreat Information

A Day at Plum Hill *Scroll to the bottom for schedule and pricing details. ↓ • WHAT YOU GET 🍏 A front-row seat to Dr. Ann’s signature presentation on healthy eating to include the fascinating topic of Time Restricted Eating. In this intimate group setting, you’ll have plenty of time to engage and ask questions. […]

The foods highest in flavonols are delicious and I recommend you eat them often! PRINT THE LIST HERE Flavonols are plant pigments, phytochemicals, with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown they are protective for all aspects of health, especially heart health and brain health. The foods highest in flavonols include the following in […]

“Dr. Ann, I want to let you know also that I have lost 19 pounds since doing the course. I have 7 pounds to go for my ideal weight. I went from a size 12 & 14 to size 6 & 8. Everyone wants to know how I did it. I tell them to Google […]

  Sleep is paramount for health and weight control. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to prevent sleep deprivation from putting a damper on your health and your diet. Here’s what I suggest: -Strive to get at least seven hours of restful sleep a night. Some people do even better with eight. -Make the room […]

The mineral magnesium is involved in over 300 critical biochemical reactions in the human body, including converting vitamin D into its active form. Unfortunately, low dietary intakes of this mighty mineral are rampant. Limiting processed, industrial foods and replacing them with whole, real foods directly from Mother Earth is a wonderful start. Additionally, make note […]

A single liter of bottled water can contain hundreds of thousands of tiny plastic particles. That was the highly alarming conclusion of a new study that employed an advanced laser to accurately measure microscopic plastic particles, including nanoplastics, the tiniest sized plastic particles (which measure as small as 100 nanometers).  ​ For this study, scientists […]

February 29, 2024 •

More Plants, Less Covid

A plant-based diet appears to offer significant protection from contracting COVID-19. That was the highly motivating conclusion of a new study. For this study, scientists recruited two dietary groups: adults who regularly consume plant-based diets (278) and omnivores (424). The plant-based group included vegans, vegetarians, and flexitarians (those who consume meat 3 or fewer times […]

Schedule Your One-on-One Session Today WHAT YOU GET A brief phone call assessment (up to 15-minutes) after we’ve received your Health History Questionnaire and Medical Release Form (click the red links to download). This is a courtesy call to help Dr. Ann select the program that is best for you as well as to customize the sessions […]

The New Year offers a sensational opportunity to harness the unrivaled goodness and power of healthy living. Here are 10 easy, delicious and totally-doable New Year’s resolutions that come with a science-backed guarantee to guard and improve your health and vitality. Enjoy a handful (about 1 ounce) of any variety of nuts (raw or roasted) […]