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February 15, 2021 • Healthy Eating & Nutrition

A Great Way to Sweeten Your Plain Yogurt or Kefir


The only type of yogurt (or kefir) I recommend is plain and I recently discovered a delicious and healthy way to sweeten it. Take 1/3 to ½ of a diced ripe banana and microwave for 30-40 seconds. This softens it making it really easy to quickly blend into your yogurt and significantly boosts its natural sweet flavor. Try it – it is amazing!

Healthy Chia Pudding

Serves 1-2Like all seeds, these nutritional gems are packed with nutrients including protein, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats. What’s most exemplary about chia seeds, however, are these two facts: 1) They provide more plant-based omega 3 fats than any other food (even flax seeds) and 2) They offer a whopping 5 grams of fiber per tablespoon – including a hefty dose of soluble fiber.


1 cup milk of choice (soy, coconut, almond, cow, etc.) or plain kefir

1/4 cup chia seeds

1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract

2 tsp. natural sweetener of choice (raw honey, maple syrup, molasses, etc.) or one microwave melted banana.


Whisk all ingredients together in a container. Cover, then refrigerate overnight. The next day, you will have a thick and creamy chia pudding. It will keep 4-5 days refrigerated. Feel free to add any of the following for additional health and flavor: cocoa powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, peanut butter, almond butter, any form of berries, nuts, diced apples, or whatever suits your fancy!

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