Breakfast skippers take note—missing this morning meal may harm your arteries and fatten up your waistline. In a study that monitored the breakfast eating habits of over 4,000 subjects free of heart disease or diabetes, researchers found a clear association between missing or skimping on breakfast and early markers for heart disease and diabetes. Based […]
We already know that what and how much we eat matters and an eye-opening new study adds to a mounting body of new science showing that when we eat may be just as important. For this study, researchers placed 93 obese women on one of two diet plans. Both groups consumed the same foods […]
Consuming breakfast with a nice dose of protein may be a powerful strategy to help us eat less, especially later in the day. In a novel study conducted in a group of overweight young adults who regularly skipped breakfast, researchers found that including a protein-rich breakfast reduced appetite throughout the day and decreased evening snacking. For the […]