Dr. Ann

Vitamin D is a critically important nutrient for optimal health. Here is my best advice for achieving and maintaining a healthy blood level. Get regular prudent, SAFE sun exposure. Even a few minutes a day with arms and /or legs exposed in warmer months will suffice. Regularly consume foods containing vitamin D—oily fish like salmon […]

According to a fascinating study, it looks like sunshine may be a robust immune booster. Past studies have already demonstrated the importance of the “sunshine vitamin,” Vitamin D, for immune function, but this new study identified an entirely different way that sunshine can activate immune cells. Specifically, scientists found that exposure to the sun’s blue […]

Want to cut your chances of getting a cold or flu? Take your vitamin D. In the largest and most definitive evaluation to date, taking a regular supplement of vitamin D reduced the risk of an upper respiratory infection substantially. The study combined the data from 25 clinical trials including over 10,000 study subjects from […]