Dr. Ann

Looking for a sweet way to take a big bite out of your risk for cardiovascular disease? Go eat some fruit! In an evaluation that included over 450,000 Chinese adults followed over a seven-year period, those consuming fruit regularly enjoyed a significant reduction in the risk for heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure. Study […]

No matter how you slice it, this thirst-quenching, low calorie treat is a reservoir of wholesome goodness. Watermelon is dripping in vitamins A and C that come along with a mother load of the awesome antioxidant lycopene. This terrific trio of nutrients qualifies this summer fruit as a champion food for both cancer protection and […]

Eating berries regularly may be one of the easiest and tastiest ways to protect our precious brains. Past studies have already shown that berries exhibit show-stopping antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power – 2 profoundly beneficial factors for brain health. Thanks to a study from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, scientists identified yet another way berries may play a starring […]

I am always amazed by the number of people who consider avocados “unhealthy” or “fattening” when the delicious reality is that they are true wonder foods. Avocados are filled with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that lower bad (LDL) cholesterol while boosting good (HDL) cholesterol along with fiber, vitamin E, B vitamins and special cholesterol-lowering plant substances called […]

The nutritional pedigree of kiwi fruit makes it a fruit superstar – and one of the best choices for healthy living! Here are three reasons why you should eat kiwi: Kiwis are exploding with vitamin C – even more than oranges! Kiwis are packed with several heart-healthy nutrients including potassium, magnesium, and fiber. This green […]

I am already wildly enthusiastic about berries for health. In a Harvard based study that monitored the eating habits of over 93,000 women for 18 years, those consuming the most berries were 32 percent less likely to suffer a heart attack vs. those consuming the least. Scientists speculate that berries’ robust supply of blue/purple anthocyanin […]

The emerald-green brilliance of this delectable fruit aptly connotes the youth and vitality it offers.  Kiwi is loaded with vitamin C (even more than oranges!) along with a hefty dose of potassium, magnesium, fiber, and vitamin E.  This nutritional pedigree is further complimented with a load of both the carotenoid and flavonoid family of phytochemicals, making this […]