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February 13, 2017 • Heart Health

Berries Incredible for Heart Health

exercise happy heart

I am already wildly enthusiastic about berries for health. In a Harvard based study that monitored the eating habits of over 93,000 women for 18 years, those consuming the most berries were 32 percent less likely to suffer a heart attack vs. those consuming the least. Scientists speculate that berries’ robust supply of blue/purple anthocyanin pigments are likely berries “active ingredients”. Heart disease is caused by too much inflammation and oxidation within our arteries, but the anthocyanins found in berries are amongst the most powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents in Mother Nature’s arsenal.

blueberries close up

Enjoy berries fresh or frozen, eat them alone or toss them into salads, smoothies, yogurt, cereal, or oatmeal. Just eat them!

Take your family’s health to the next level. As a mother of four, this was one of my favorite books to write! Click to order.


(Circulation 2013 DOI:10.1161/CIRCULATION AHA1112.122408)