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June 4, 2018 • Healthy Eating & Nutrition


Oh, the power of healthy living! In the first full-scale investigation of the impact of five basic healthy living practices on disease prevention and longevity, Harvard researchers uncovered wowing findings.

happy joy jump yay

For this analysis, over 120,000 adult men and women had their lifestyle habits and health monitored over a period of 27 to 34 years. Based on this ground-breaking study, here is the upshot of what they determined. Men and women adhering to the following five lifestyle habits: keeping body weight in a healthy range (BMI < 25), not smoking, eating a healthy diet, keeping alcohol intake low (no more than one drink a day in women or two drinks a day in men), and exercising for 30 minutes or more daily

  • Lived 14 years longer (women) and 12 years longer (men) relative to those who did not adhere to the same habits.
  • Lowered their risk of cardiovascular disease (our #1 killer) by 82%
  • Lowered their risk of death by 74%
  • Were 65% less likely to die of cancer

This study underscores why I do what I do and screams my tagline:

Choose Health – Extraordinary Things Will Happen

(Circulation, 2018; CIRCULATIONAHA.117.032047 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.032047)


We’ve released our brand new, totally updated Eat Right for Life recorded webinar series.


Click the image to watch the introduction.