Dr. Ann

Sugar substitutes’ reputation as a useful tool for weight control and a “safe” substitute for sugar just received a major setback. In this study, scientists could not identify a sufficient level of evidence to indicate that sugar substitutes help us with weight control. To the contrary, the studies that followed individuals for the longest periods […]

If you drink diet soda as a means to cut your calories and control your weight, it is likely failing you. In a report published by researchers from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, overweight adults who drink diet soda consume more food calories and snack more than overweight adults that drink sugary beverages. To […]

Caution! Artificial sweeteners may raise the risk of metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes. In a study published in the prestigious journal, Nature, researchers found that feeding lab mice three commonly used non-caloric sweeteners (saccharin, aspartame, and sucralose), relative to feeding them sugar water or plain water, lead to dramatic alterations of their intestinal bacteria and glucose intolerance. (Glucose […]

Although it contains “sugar,” molasses also provides an impressive array of “healthy” goodies that give it a huge nutritional edge over other sweeteners. This bold and robust natural sweetener is chock full of health-boosting antioxidants and minerals. A single tablespoon provides over 35% of the daily value for manganese and copper and about 20% of […]

With the exception of occasional, modest use in diabetics, I do not use nor do I recommend artificial sweeteners.  Even though they will not elevate blood glucose or fructose levels like “real” sweeteners, they may indeed have other untoward effects in the body.   Although science supports their safety and lack of toxicity  (exception saccharin and […]

If you are using artificial sweeteners to control your weight, take heed. While past studies in both animals and humans have suggested they can lead to weight gain, scientists have identified how this can happen. In a series of sophisticated lab experiments, scientists found that lab animals regularly fed a diet containing the popular artificial […]