Shake, shake—that may be all it takes to turn up fat burning. Past studies have linked cinnamon to healthier metabolism so a curious group of scientists decided to dig a bit deeper. For this study, they exposed the fat cells taken from a broad range of study subjects, including those of various weights and health […]
Breakfast is a delicious time of day and a great opportunity to pack in nutrients that can boost brain health, increase energy and set your whole day off on the right track. One of my favorite morning meals is a breakfast bowl that includes: 1 Scoop Plain Greek Yogurt 1/4 Cup Plain Kefir 1/2 Melted […]
Shake some cinnamon on your morning cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, or right into your cup of coffee for a tasty and easy way to improve your glucose and cholesterol metabolism. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that study subjects who added a bit more than a teaspoon of cinnamon to a rice […]