In a study involving 559 teens, the more fructose (a component of sugary foods and beverages) they consumed, the higher their blood pressure and fasting blood sugar, and the lower their HDL (good) cholesterol. These finding were most marked in teens with excess belly fat. (Journal of Nutrition, February 2012) In a study that sought […]
Extreme obesity is affecting record numbers of children including 7.3% of boys and 5.5% of girls. Those hit hardest are teenage African American girls (11.9%) and Hispanic teenage boys (11.2%) (Journal of Pediatrics, March 2010). As a parent, here are the most powerful steps you can take to protect your child from obesity. Related: […]
Researchers who followed over 8,000 US 4 year olds found that regularly engaging in the following 3 activities was associated with a dramatic reduction in obesity risk: eating “family” dinner 5 or more times a week, watching TV less than 2 hours a day, and getting at least 10 ½ hours of nightly sleep. (Pediatrics, […]
After following 4, 857 US children through adulthood, a first of its kind study determined that being overweight in childhood was the single most powerful predictor of premature death from chronic disease. The children in the top quarter for weight were 230% more likely to die at any earlier age than those in the lowest […]