Dr. Ann

If you “expect” a food or meal to satisfy you – chances are it will.  Fascinating new research just presented at a scientific meeting on eating behavior found our minds can indeed convince our stomachs that a food or meal will fill us up. Appetite control is the Holy Grail for achieving a healthy body […]

If you want a quick and simple way to eat less, just say no to ear buds, music and TV while eating. In an intriguing set of experiments researchers at Brigham Young University were able to show that when we can hear the sounds created as we bite, chew, crunch, and munch on our foods, […]

Want to eat less now AND later – come to full attention! In a compelling new review of 24 former studies that focused on eating while distracted vs. eating while attentive – the results were noteworthy. The more distracted and the less mindful we are during eating, the more we tend to eat in that sitting, and […]

At this point in science, the only proven means to slow the aging process (at least in laboratory animals) is chronic caloric deprivation. Indeed, animal studies have shown repeatedly that decreasing caloric intake long term can dramatically slow down the ever-ticking aging clock. Scientists surmise that the key mechanism is that reducing calories slows metabolism […]