Dr. Ann

Fat is what gives our foods flavor, and if you know exactly which oils to select, you get the best of both worlds —great tasting food that guards your health too. Remember, it is the type of fat in your diet that really matters. Your goals are to bring in the make-me-healthier fats (monounsaturated and […]

If you have been sucked in by the headlines that butter is back – hold your horses. First off, there is no credible evidence that saturated fats have health benefits, and secondly, there is plenty of data to support that saturated fats indeed come with health risks. This was echoed in two studies. The first […]

According to the Center for Science in Public Interest’s new book Restaurant Confidential, an appetizer of cheese fries packs 3,000 calories, 217 grams of total fat, and 90 grams of artery clogging saturated fat.  That 500-1000 calories more than the average person needs for an entire day and enough saturated fat to exceed what is […]