Dr. Ann

Boiling vegetables – significantly reduces nutrients, particularly vitamin C and B vitamins.  Deep frying – creates toxic molecules like oxidized fats and advanced glycation end products that damage cells and increase inflammation in the body. Microwaving in plastic – facilitates the movement of potentially toxic and cancer-boosting plastic residues, like BPA, into the food. Grilling meats over charcoal – […]

The total number of known chemicals used intentionally in the packaging, storage, and processing of our foods exceeds 4,000 and the standard toxicology analysis required to be performed on them does not evaluate their capacity to disrupt our hormones.  So play it safe and eat Mother Nature’s REAL foods and avoid man-made processed foods.  (Epidemiology […]

September 29, 2014 • Healthy Living

4 Major Kitchen No-No's

When it comes to optimal health, what you do in the kitchen matters. Here are 4 major blunders to avoid. Do not use plastic in the storage, preparation or serving of your foods, especially hot foods. Plastics can contain potentially toxic residues like antimony, phthalates, and BPA, and heat facilitates the movement of these biochemically […]

In the largest and most rigorously conducted study to date, organic foods came out on top. This new evaluation included an unprecedented 343 peer-reviewed publications comparing the nutritional quality and safety of fruits, vegetables, and grains grown in organic vs. conventional conditions. The researchers noted three very clear areas of superiority for the organic crops […]