Want to lower your risk of death from any cause, including cardiovascular disease and cancer? Eat an anti-inflammatory diet! In a study involving over 68,000 adults who were followed for 16 years, those who included the most anti-inflammatory foods in their diets enjoyed the following benefits relative to those eating the least: 18 percent less […]
Eating fewer overall calories with more fruits and vegetables is not only healthy; it can be life-changing and delicious, too! Just follow these simple steps to success. – “Volumize” your meals and snacks with as many high- fiber, high- water fruits and vegetables as possible. The best choices include the following: Fruits—berries, cherries, plums, any whole […]
Oh, the blessings of movement! Even small doses appear to ward off the blues. In the largest and most extensive study to date, researchers concluded that regular exercise, of any variety, for as little as one hour cumulative, a week can help prevent depression. For this landmark study, researchers monitored the exercise patterns as well […]
I was so excited to see Dr. Ann last year when she came. I purchased her books and laminated grocery guides. I’m thankful to have learned so much from the book and listening to Dr. Ann, although I haven’t utilized all the info, I know our family has benefited, especially my 7 year daughter Serenity. While in the kitchen recently and having a conversation with […]