Easy Ways to Eat More Fruits and Veggies

- Always include fresh fruit at your breakfast – make this a compulsive act. Frozen berries are especially healthy and easy at breakfast.
- Always include a piece of fresh fruit as your afternoon snack or as part of your snack.
- Eat a big colorful salad as part of a meal or as a meal entrée every day.
- Begin any top-of-the-stove meal with sautéed onions. They make everything taste better.
- Volumize your tuna or salmon salad with lightly steamed, chopped broccoli florets. This adds nutrients and reduces caloric density.
- Shred veggies (or buy already shredded) like carrots, zucchini, cabbage, and broccoli and add them to your meatloaf, spaghetti sauce, lasagna, and baked good recipes.
- Add 100% canned pumpkin (a remarkably healthy food!) to your soups, pancakes, and baked goods. You can also spoon a dollop or two right into your oatmeal, yogurt or smoothies.

- Add finely chopped kale, collards, or spinach to your soups, stews and tomato sauce.
- Snack on finger-friendly veggies like “baby” carrots, cherry/grape tomatoes, and celery sticks. For even more nutrition – dip them into some hummus.
- Eat more roasted veggies. The roasting process removes much of their water (which also concentrates their natural sweet flavors) and makes it easier to eat a large quantity in one sitting.
- Enjoy homemade smoothies for your breakfast or as an afternoon snack.
- Even if a recipe does not call for it – add vegetables to every dish possible. Almost any dish savory dish will be improved with onions.
- For recipes that call for vegetables – double or triple what the recipe lists.

- In the cooler months, make a big pot of vegetable-based soup every Sunday night. No matter what the recipe calls for – go ahead and add any tired or wilted vegetables lingering in your fridge. This way your vegetable drawer will always be cleared out for Monday’s grocery shopping.
- Use fresh or dried herbs and spices liberally in your meals and dishes. They are a treasure trove of life-enhancing plant-based chemicals.
- Grow your own fresh herbs and/or vegetables. I do and can guarantee that if you do, you will eat them more often!
- Always include at least one cooked vegetable and one raw vegetable (ex. salad) with your dinner.
- Substitute mashed avocado for mayo on your sandwiches. I include avocados in my diet every day – love that healthy fat!
- Include at least one meat-less, all vegetarian, dinner each week.
- Top your vegetable, egg, chicken, and fish dishes with a pile of freshly prepared salsa.
- Keep fruits and vegetables top-of-mind throughout the day and never miss an opportunity to pop another one in your mouth!

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