Dr. Ann

December 14, 2021 •

More Flavor = Lower Blood Pressure

Want to improve the flavor of your food and lower your blood pressure? Use herbs and spices liberally in your foods.  In a tasty new study, a daily dose of a mix of herbs and spices significantly reduced blood pressure in those at risk for heart disease. 71 adults with cardiovascular risk factors consumed three […]

Consuming ultra-processed foods appears to be a major risk factor for inflammatory bowel disease or “IBD.” In a new report adding to the growing pile of studies linking processed foods to major health risks, scientists uncovered a clear link between consuming this dubious fare and ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, both of which have dramatically […]

December 7, 2021 •

Food & Pain

Ouch! Consuming the typical American diet, high in omega 6 fats and low in omega 3 fats significantly increases pain. That was the conclusion of a ground-breaking new study by a team of 15 scientists working collaboratively over a 5-year period. What’s more, making dietary changes to reduce omega 6 fats and increase omega 3 […]

December 7, 2021 •

More Mushrooms, Less Cancer

Make room for more mushrooms! That was the upshot of a large review study examining the relationship between eating mushrooms and cancer risk. The review included 17 previously published studies encompassing over 19,500 study subjects.  The results? In study subjects consuming the most mushrooms (around 18 grams a day or a small handful), cancer risk […]

In the largest and most accurate study of its type to date, scientists concluded that the more we move, the lower our chances of developing cardiovascular disease are—with no ceiling effect, meaning more is better.  For this study the physical activity level of over 90,000 UK adults was monitored using sophisticated accelerometers worn for a seven day period. The […]

December 7, 2021 •

Fiber and Less Depression

Dietary fiber has a glowing list of health accolades, and guarding against depression may be yet another to add to the list. In a study that involved more than 5,800 adult women, those who were premenopausal and consumed the most fiber were significantly less likely to develop depression.  The scientists believe a likely connection between fiber and depression lies in the microbiome, […]

December 7, 2021 •

Added Sugar Doubles Fat Production

Consuming added sugar has been consistently linked to a laundry list of health maladies. Thanks to an eye-opening new study, we have fresh, new insight on how added sugars do their dirty work.  For this study, scientists had 94 healthy young males consume a single daily drink sweetened with one of three types of sugar– […]

December 7, 2021 •

Java Joy

If you cherish your morning coffee like I do, I have some encouraging news on the heart health front. According to three prominent, large heart studies, drinking one or more cups of coffee a day may reduce your risk of heart failure. For this analysis, scientists looked at the heart health status and the coffee drinking […]

The good news for those adhering to a plant-based diet just keeps growing and growing… In a new study from scientists at the University of Edinburgh, it seems that eating the Mediterranean way may be a winning strategy for maintaining a sharp mind as we age.  For this study the scientists evaluated the thinking skills […]

Got GERD? Keep reading. In one of the largest and highest quality studies of its type, scientists concluded that diet and lifestyle appear to offer substantial benefits for those suffering from heartburn, known in medicine as gastroesophageal reflux or GERD.  For this report, scientists carefully monitored the diet, lifestyle, and health status of 43,000 women, ages 42-62, […]

December 7, 2021 •

Plastics Threaten Our Health

In a highly alarming report, the world’s most authoritative body of endocrine (hormone) experts, including physicians and scientists, just presented a sobering summary of the harmful effects on health from widespread contamination of our homes, workplaces, and environments by endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) in plastics. EDCs are compounds that leach from everyday use plastics, which disrupt the […]

Flavonoid-rich foods just landed a major brain health win. Flavonoids are plant-based compounds revered for their potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory prowess, as well as their propensity to enhance the growth of good gut bacteria. For this long term study, researchers evaluated the cognitive function of 2,800 middle-age and older adults at baseline (all normal to […]