Dr. Ann

At this point in science, the only proven means to slow the aging process (at least in laboratory animals) is chronic caloric deprivation. Indeed, animal studies have shown repeatedly that decreasing caloric intake long term can dramatically slow down the ever-ticking aging clock. Scientists surmise that the key mechanism is that reducing calories slows metabolism […]

I consider extra virgin olive oil a superstar food for both sensory pleasure and health protection, and a fascinating new study in the October issue of Cell Metabolism provided yet another reason to make this delicious fat your oil of choice, namely better appetite control.  Olive oil is chock full of heart-happy monounsaturated fats and […]

Have you seen the new advertising blitz (“The Sweet Surprise Campaign”) undertaken by the Corn Refiners Association (sugar pushers) claiming that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is “natural” and “the same as sugar?”  They claim that HFCS has been unduly vilified and that it is handled in the body no differently than regular sugar.  Although […]

There were several new studies from the past few weeks supporting the importance of sleep for both general health and body weight.  According to a study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (December, 2007), adults with chronic health problems like heart disease and diabetes that reported less than 7 hours of sleep each night […]

  I consider extra virgin olive oil the healthiest oil available and a fascinating, novel study gives us an additional reason to make this delicious fat a regular guest at mealtime, namely better appetite control.  Reporting in Gastroenterology (November, 2007) scientists found that oleic acid, the primary fatty acid found in olive oil, delayed stomach […]