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March 3, 2017 • Healthy Eating & Nutrition

A Delicious and Easy Way to Get At Least 8 Servings of Fruits and Veggies Every Day


To fully experience all the dazzling benefits of fruits and veggies, science says to aim for 8 or more servings a day. Here is my personal failsafe means of doing so. 

  1. I eat 1 cup of berries (typically frozen) and ½ of a banana at breakfast = 2.5 servings 
  2. I include a piece of whole fruit (usually an apple, pear, or citrus) as an afternoon snack = 1+ serving (depending on size of fruit) 
  3. I include a robust pre-dinner/appetizer salad before dinner made with 3 cups of lettuce greens topped with 1 cup of various cut up fruit and/or veggies = 4.5+ servings

Lunch and the rest of dinner is then a bonus as I usually get some more there too. The point is that if you simply follow my lead with 1 ,2 , and 3 you can do it too. And it makes you feel so good!   

For more expert wellness advice, check out Dr. Ann’s Eat Right for Life book series!

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