Eating fewer overall calories with more fruits and vegetables is not only healthy; it can be life-changing and delicious, too! Just follow these simple steps to success.
– “Volumize” your meals and snacks with as many high- fiber, high- water fruits and vegetables as possible. The best choices include the following:
– “Double up” your fruit and vegetable side dishes.
– Always go for non-starchy vegetable sides in lieu of starchy white
carbs like white potatoes, pasta, and white rice.
– Feature vegetables as the star ingredients in your main dishes.
– Fill at least 1⁄2 of your plate up with veggies before dishing up the rest of your meal.
– If veggies are called for in recipes, add in extra. If they are not called for, add them anyway or look for a recipe that does. Dishes like salads, soups, and stews are especially accommodating to produce.
– Snack on raw fruits and vegetables.
– If you are not already a veggie lover, try roasting your vegetables. Roasting naturally brings out the flavor and natural sweetness in vegetables, which makes them delectable. Search my free recipes for great examples of mouth-watering veggie-heavy meals you can prepare with ease.
– Strive to always begin your meals by eating any fruits and veggies on the plate first. We tend to eat the most of what we start with, and starting with veggies has been shown to help you eat less of the remaining foods at your meals.
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