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October 3, 2019 • Fitness, Healthy Living, Weight Control

Why Exercise Is so Powerful for Weight Loss

weight loss exercise woman happy

Exercise is simply stellar for weight control. Check out all the different ways exercise can help you stay lean!

  1. Exercise burns calories.
  2. Exercise enhances insulin sensitivity (insulin action) which boosts calorie burning potential.
  3. Exercise builds lean body mass (muscle). The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn.  Muscles burn fat very effectively and are ultimately what burn about 70% of the total calories you consume.
  4. Exercise reduces stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety can be powerful triggers for “emotional eating” and binging.
  5. Exercise improves sleep quality and duration. Poor sleep increases appetite and cravings for junk foods. Good sleep improves energy levels and the likelihood that you will exercise or move.
  6. Exercise directly boosts metabolism. Moderate to vigorous exercise provides a transient (2-5 hours) increase in calorie burning potential.
  7. Exercise improves the activity of brain cells involved in appetite regulation.
  8. Exercise improves the release of appetite suppressive hormones in the gastrointestinal tract and the brain’s sensitivity to them.

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