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September 25, 2015 • Healthy Eating & Nutrition, Heart Health

Go Peanuts!

peanutsmallerLike true nuts, peanuts (which are actually legumes) can rightfully claim superstar food status. In a new report that followed the diets and health status over a five to twelve year period of more than 200,000 racially diverse adult study subjects, those consuming the most peanuts were up to 21 percent less likely to die and up to 38 percent less likely to succumb to heart disease relative to study subjects consuming the least peanuts. Like true nuts, peanuts are chock full of disease-fighting goodies including healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, arginine, and potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytochemicals. Relative to most other true nuts, peanuts offer more protein and are often a better bargain. For those who prefer peanuts over true nuts, enjoy a handful (about one ounce) or two tablespoons of peanut butter daily.