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March 4, 2010 • Healthy Living

Hemp Seeds – Best Protein Powders

I am frequently asked what protein powder I recommend and finally I have discovered one that I know is truly “healthy” and that I  can whole heartedly endorse –  hemp seed  powder.  It is made from ground hemp seeds so it is a “whole food” protein versus the “isolated” protein in whey, casein, or soy based protein powders.  Hemp seeds provide high quality “complete” protein that is gentler on your bones, your digestive system, and the environment than the others.  Additionally, hemp seeds are one of the most nutritionally complete foods on the planet. Aside from a whopping dose  of protein and fiber, ground hemp seeds provide all the essential fatty acids, including a big hit of omega 3 along with B vitamins, vitamins D and E, and a comprehensive package of minerals.   The “all natural” nutritional firepower in hemp seed powder puts the others to shame.  Unlike marijuana leaves – hemp seeds do not contain any THC.  You can find it in healthy grocery stores like Whole Foods. Be sure to select 100% ground hemp seeds vs hemp protein powder – you want the full package of nutritional excellence the seeds provide.


For more on incorporating protein into your healthy diet, check out my free article “How to Do Your Proteins Right!”