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July 25, 2019 • Healthy Living, Weight Control

Even a Little Weight Loss Improves Mood and Sleep

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If you want to improve your shut-eye and brighten your spirits, losing a little weight may do the trick.

In an uplifting report, researchers found that losing as little as 5% of existing body weight was enough to improve sleep quality and mood in overweight study subjects. For the study, scientists assigned 390 obese adults to one of three different weight loss interventions and followed them over a 24-month period.

One group received printed materials, while the other two received lifestyle counseling or counseling with weight loss medications or meal replacements. Regardless of how the weight loss was achieved, those who lost 5% or more of their starting weight gained an average of 21.6 minutes of sleep a night and reported fewer symptoms of depression relative to those who lost < 5%.

(Meeting of the International Society of Endocrinology, Chicago June 2014)

Previous studies have shown that modest weight loss also works wonders for cutting the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis, while significantly improving functionality and overall quality of life so be encouraged if weight is an issue for you.

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