Dr. Ann

Exercise is a godsend for those with anxiety disorders. That was the upshot of a pivotal new study evaluating how a prescribed regimen of regular physical activity impacted anxiety scores.  For this study 286 adults suffering from clinical anxiety syndromes, some for over a decade, were placed in one of three study groups. Group 1 […]

In a this revealing study, scientists were able to show that consuming a high fat diet could disrupt normal brain function by altering the bacteria in the gut. There is growing evidence that the ecosystem of bacteria that reside in our guts, referred to as “the microbiome,” plays a pivotal role in mental health. The scientists […]

Exercise burns calories. Exercise enhances insulin sensitivity (insulin action), which boosts calorie burning potential. Exercise builds lean body mass (muscle). The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn.  Muscles burn calories (14 calories per pound per day vs. fat’s 3 calories per pound per day) very effectively and are ultimately what burn […]