The best foods for breast health and prostate health are in! I want to share something specifically for women, as well as something specifically for men: namely the best foods for breast health and the best foods for prostate health. Both breast cancer and prostate cancer risk are significantly impacted by the foods we eat, […]
The timing of your evening meal may significantly impact your cancer risk. In a first-of-its-kind evaluation, investigators noted that study subjects who reported eating dinner by 9 pm or waiting at least two hours post-dinner to go to bed were 20 percent less likely to develop breast cancer or prostate cancer. The study included data from […]
October was breast cancer awareness month but we should keep breast cancer fresh in our minds year-around. As the daughter of a breast cancer survivor and an enthusiastic member the Board of Directors of the Prevent Cancer Foundation (, I want to share my top food picks for maximizing breast health: Beans/Lentils – This category of food is […]
Plant-based diets scored another healthy victory thanks to investigators from Colorado State University. After carefully following the diets of 34,028 Chinese women over 10 years, those who reported eating the most fruit, vegetables, and soy foods lowered their risk of developing breast cancer by 30 percent. The cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Brussels […]
As a woman, the daughter of a breast cancer survivor, and a proud member the board of directors of the Prevent Cancer Foundation , I want to share my top food picks for maximizing breast health: read more>>
When it comes to palatal pleasure and health-boosting performance nuts score a perfect 10, and an exciting new laboratory study provides yet another reason for women to be nuts over nuts. Scientists reporting at the American Association for Cancer Research, (Denver, Apr 09) found that mice engineered to develop breast cancer who were fed the […]
From a disease-prevention standpoint, the Mediterranean-style eating pattern, which features heavy use of extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO), regularly comes out on top as the tastiest and most efficacious. According to BMC Cancer (Dec. 08), Spanish researchers have discovered some super potent, anti-cancer chemicals in EVOO that may explain why this eating style is associated with […]