To fully leverage all of the glorious goodness in your vegetables – be sure to eat them along with some form of healthy fat. Fat improves their flavor and texture, but most importantly serves as a vehicle for transporting their fat soluble phytochemicals called carotenoids, from the digestive track into the bloodstream. Carotenoids are one of the most revered […]
The heart-healthy credentials of the Mediterranean pattern of eating received yet another scientific accolade. In a study that carefully monitored the diet and health profiles of 2,500 Greek adults ages 18 to 89, those who most closely followed this delectable way of eating slashed their risk of having a heart attack by 47 percent. For this evaluation, […]
All varieties of nuts are off-the-charts great for you, but walnuts deserve special mention. Here are 5 reasons to eat more of them. Walnuts offer unrivaled cardiovascular protection. Walnuts are an excellent source of those hard to find plant-based omega 3 fats. Walnuts are uniquely high in a special form of vitamin E, gamma-tocopherol, revered […]