The diminutive, yet all-powerful blueberry is a true work horse in terms of fortifying wellness and this report gives us yet another reason to include them regularly in our diets – maintaining an abundance of healthy bacteria in our colons. There has been an explosion of research highlighting that the types and amounts of bacteria […]
The diminutive, yet all-powerful blueberry is a true work horse in terms of fortifying wellness and a new report gives us yet another reason to include them regularly in our diets – maintaining an abundance of healthy bacteria in our colons. There has been a recent explosion of research highlighting that the types and amounts […]
As dairy foods go – low-fat, plain yogurt is a superstar standout. I want you to include it in your diet regularly. Here are 3 big reasons why you should: Yogurt is the richest and most bio-available source of calcium of any food. An 8oz serving provides 30-40 percent of your daily calcium requirements. In […]
The darlings of the healthy fat world, namely omega 3’s, may prove to be helpful for preventing colon cancer. In a study including about 1,900 adults, as the intakes of omega 3 fats increased, rates of colon cancer decreased. Among white study participants, those consuming the most omega 3 fats had half the risk of […]
The diminutive, yet all-powerful blueberry is a true work horse in terms of fortifying wellness and a new report gives us yet another reason to include them regularly in our diets – maintaining an abundance of healthy bacteria in our colons. Read More >>