Dr. Ann

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), the following forms of produce provide the highest pesticide loads. It will be best for your health to buy the organic versions of these fruits and vegetables. Apples Celery Sweet Bell Peppers Peaches Strawberries Spinach Nectarines (imported) Grapes Green Beans Lettuce Cucumbers Blueberries (domestic) Potatoes Stay tuned for […]

Eating fresh produce is a must for healthy living! Here are my top tips for getting the most bang for your buck while picking out the healthiest options at the store. 8 Tips for the Best Bargains in the Produce Aisle Look for “locally grown” or “in season” signs. They are usually a better bargain, fresher and […]

For ages now, we have all heard that breakfast is the number one ingredient in the recipe for an energized, productive day.  When it comes to your weight, it is doubly true.  A solid body of science affirms that people who eat breakfast regularly are leaner than those that don’t and much less apt to […]

CSA stands for “community supported agriculture” and thankfully, this new system for procuring farm fresh local produce is becoming more and more accessible. As a member of a CSA, you pay an upfront subscription to a local farm to receive a weekly or biweekly box of fresh produce. Before I had my own vegetable garden, […]