Inflammation is a key driver of most chronic diseases and the anti-inflammatory power in ginger is off-the-charts.The potent inflammation busters in ginger are called xanthines. These valuable agents are also work horses for boosting immunity and fighting viral infections. For optimal results, include ginger, powdered or fresh, in your diet regularly – daily is best. […]
Blueberries owe their deep, blue color to a class of phytochemicals called anthocyanins. Like lycopene, anthocyanins have potent antioxidant power, but they are also true workhorses when it comes to fighting inflammation. Science is now telling us that excessive inflammation plays a major role in the development of a broad range of diseases, including heart […]
-Be sure to have some high quality protein at each feeding/meal. The digestion of protein gives rise to a prolonged and sustained blood glucose level which translates to a steady and robust energy level. My top picks for energizing proteins are omega 3-fortified eggs, nuts, beans, fish, low-fat plain yogurt, and skinless poultry. -Indulge in […]
•In a group of overweight, previously sedentary school-age children who engaged in a 3 month study that included 40 minutes of vigorous physical activity after each school day – intelligence scores increased an average of 3.8 points with measurable improvements in math skills and enhanced activities in areas of the brain involved with complex thinking […]
Dietary fiber scored another health victory when researchers at the National Cancer Institute determined that it may reduce the risk of death from any cause. Past scientific triumphs of this indigestible component of plant foods include: less diabetes, less gastrointestinal disease, less obesity, less inflammation and lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. This study included […]
Believe it or not, canned pumpkin is one of the healthiest foods on earth.. It is a real example of a “processed food” that is healthier than its fresh counterpart. Canned pumpkin is fresh pumpkin pureed and then cooked down to remove its water, which both concentrates its nutrients and makes them easier for your […]
For dark chocolate lovers out there like me, I am delighted to share further evidence that dark chocolate is a food you can love that loves you back — a true dietary superstar! After following about 20,000 adults for at least 10 years, European researchers reported those who included as little as a small square […]