In a laboratory evaluation, scientists have preliminary evidence that prebiotics, dietary fibers that feed the good bacteria in our guts, may benefit sleep and stress resiliency. For this lab study scientists fed one group of mice a diet enriched with prebiotics and a control group of mice the same diet without the prebiotics. The researchers […]
Red wine lovers rejoice! One of the largest studies of its kind found that regular red wine drinkers had healthier gut microbiomes than their counterparts who consumed other types of alcoholic beverages. To remind you, the gut microbiome is the name of the all-important ecosystem of microorganisms in our GI tracts now known to play […]
There is now overwhelming evidence that the bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract, the gut microbiome, plays a major role in our mood and behavior. Knowing that what we eat is the primary determinate of the state of our gut microbes, European scientists performed an in-depth review of past studies looking at diet, mood, and gut […]
The huge ecosystem of microorganisms that reside in your gastrointestinal tract (your microbiome) largely define your health destiny. Think of them as your most valuable partner in health and healing. What defines a “healthy microbiome” is having a broad array and an abundance of “good” bacteria in your gut – diversity and high numbers. The […]
Low fiber diets have a rapid and dramatic, adverse effect on both the microbiome and the lining of the GI tract. That was the eye-opening conclusion from a series of lab studies designed to carefully monitor how a fiber-deficient diet affects the ecosystem of beneficial gut bacteria as well as the mucous lining of the colon. […]
Feed the good bacteria in your gut and reap glorious rewards. That was the upshot of an important new study culminating from several years of research. For this study researchers put a group of type 2 diabetics on one of two diet protocols. Group one was placed on a standard diabetes diet and group two […]