They provide “complete” (all the essential amino acids) protein that is gentler on your bones, your digestive system, and the environment. They provide all the essential fatty acids including a big hit of those precious omega 3 fats. They provide a comprehensive package of minerals including lots of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. They are […]
I’m nuts about nuts. Here are six reasons to include nuts in your diet daily! Regular nut consumption reduces the risk of heart-related death by up to 30-50%. People who eat nuts regularly live longer. People who eat nuts regularly get less type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. People who eat nuts regularly are less […]
Walnuts are crunchy, delicious, and oh-so-good for heart health. It is clearly established that walnuts lower cholesterol levels, but scientists recently set out to take a more in-depth look into other ways walnuts may shine for cardiovascular health. For this evaluation, scientist fed study subjects a single feeding of walnuts, walnut oil, walnut skin, and de-fatted walnut meal […]