Dr. Ann

Based on the latest science, the single most powerful predictor of functionality in older age is strength capacity. Let me repeat – as we age, maintaining muscular strength is the most important factor in maintaining independence. Unfortunately, the average person becomes more sedentary with age which accelerates the loss of muscles mass and strength that […]

Loss of muscle mass, known as sarcopenia, is a common and potentially deadly accompaniment to aging and good nutrition proves to be a powerful ally to help counter this debilitating state. Maintaining muscle mass is fundamental to ensuring a healthy metabolism and plays a defining role in maintaining functionality in old age. In fact, muscular […]

I routinely review 80 plus studies a month related to nutrition and health and this one grabbed my attention like no other. In this meticulously controlled investigation, researchers had 39 healthy normal weight adult men and women purposely eat 750 extra fat calories a day for seven weeks with the goal of gaining 3% of […]

Maintaining muscle mass is paramount for weight control, metabolic health, and overall functionality and quality of life. The International Osteoporosis Foundation recently sought to review past, worldwide studies to identify the most effective nutritional avenues for preventing loss of muscle mass, known as sarcopenia. Their scientific review identified the following key strategies: Optimal protein intake: […]

Weight loss supplements – Published comprehensive, authoritative reviews on weight loss supplements have shown they are NOT EFFECTIVE. At a minimum you are wasting your money. At the worst you are exposing yourself to potential adverse side effects and in very rare cases, even death. Drastic dietary changes – Studies prove that only permanent, sensible changes in […]

If you are middle-age and love your meat, cheese, and dairy and eat it too, you may be dramatically boosting your risk of premature death, particularly from cancer.  In this eye-opening new report, middle-age study subjects consuming the most animal proteins were four times more likely to die of cancer than study subjects consuming a […]