Including a tossed salad as a pre-meal appetizer is a delicious and super-nutritious means to help you eat less. In fact, if you dress your salad with a little olive-oil based vinaigrette, this simple mealtime tactic can rein in your appetite through five separate means: The bulkiness of the lettuce and raw veggies rapidly fills the […]
Relative to ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, oatmeal, especially the steel- cut variety, offers greater satiety (feelings of fullness). Oatmeal has all the proven health benefits attributed to eating intact whole grains, which include protection from heart disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity. Oatmeal is uniquely high in a special type of soluble fiber, beta-glucan, […]
Cinnamon, like many other spices, has emerged as a true wonder food in terms of almost medicinal-type power to protect our health. A small handful of studies have reported that cinnamon enhances both the metabolism of glucose and cholesterol and may thusly provide protection from type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A study published in the Journal […]