When it comes to nutritional value and eating for better health, sweet potatoes trounce white potatoes. Whether your goals are improved weight control, heart health, cancer protection, or anti-aging, sweet potatoes are a far superior tuber. Here are 5 great reasons to choose sweet potatoes over white potatoes. Sweet potatoes have a much lower glycemic response—meaning they […]
Savory, yet sweet, naturally low in calories, yet filling because of their super-high fiber content – sweet potatoes are a nutritional treasure. This under-appreciated super-affordable tuber is an unsurpassed food source of immune-boosting, heart-happy beta-carotene (1 provides 250% of your daily value!) that comes along with 8 other essential nutrients. And despite their starchy texture […]
Savory, yet sweet, naturally low in calories, yet filling–sweet potatoes are brimming with life-giving power. This delicious “healthy” starch comes naturally loaded with vitamin C, B vitamins, and potassium, but is most prized for its off-the-charts beta-carotene content. One medium sweet potato provides over 200% of our daily requirement for this key nutrient! Because of […]