The data on vitamin D and health just keeps pourin’ in. Here are some highlights: For teens living in the “sunny” south, low vitamin D levels were common, including 56 percent with insufficient levels and 30 percent with full-blown vitamin D deficiency. (Pediatrics, June 2010) In a study that followed 531 women over six years, […]
Most infants in the US are not getting adequate amounts of vitamin D. Among those exclusively breast fed, only 5% to 13% met the guidelines for 400 IUs of vitamin D daily. For those formula fed, only 20% to 37% did. (Pediatrics, March 2010). In children, low levels of vitamin D have been associated with […]
As our scientific understanding of the fundamental importance of vitamin D for broad-spectrum health protection has dramatically risen over the past two decades, unfortunately our blood levels have gone in the opposite direction. Researchers reported in the March issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine that 3 of every 4 Americans have insufficient blood levels […]