Dr. Ann

Metabolism is the process by which your body uses fuel provided by foods you eat to produce energy at the cellular level. Of all the things you could do to ensure a healthy, robust metabolism – nothing is more effective than regular physical activity. The reason is simple – exercise can enhance metabolism through four […]

Get into the simple, tasty and super-healthy habit of adding herbs to your summer favorites.  Herbs add flavorful intrigue to almost any dish (which means we can cut back on added fats, sauces, and salt) and are virtually exploding with a seemingly endless array of beneficial phytochemicals.  Here are my favorites: Parsley – This refreshing […]

Like other shellfish, shrimp offers a delectable and highly nutritious alternative to meat proteins.  Shrimp is low in calories and saturated fats and brimming with nourishment including B vitamins, vitamin D and a very respectable dose of omega 3 fats.  They are rich in an array of important minerals including zinc, selenium, copper, iron and […]

Including more whole grains in your diet is one of the tastiest and most effective ways to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, many cancers and obesity. For best results include 3 servings of whole grains every day. Here are 7 easy ways to get 3 servings a day. (1 serving is […]

A compelling body of published studies have repeatedly linked belly fat (visceral fat), particularly in middle age, to a greater risk of dementia. Thanks to a series of carefully conducted lab studies in mice, for the first time scientists have identified at least one specific way belly fat damages brain cells. Here is what they […]

Although exercise is profoundly beneficial no matter what time of day you choose to do it, morning exercise rules! It begins the day on a positive “healthy” note that can set the tone for the rest of the day. It provides an opportunity to tackle and fully complete an activity critical for your health that […]

Low vitamin D status may be a driving factor in the risk of death from covid-19 infection. That was the conclusion of a large statistical analysis led by researchers at Northwestern University. Spurred by the unexplained disparate death rates from one country to another, the researchers looked at vitamin D status as a plausible factor. They […]

Mother Nature generously offers up a long list of foods that are steeped in nutritional excellence. Here are 5 underrated superstar standouts that can take the quality of your diet to a whole new level of WOW. 1) Canned 100% Pumpkin Believe it or not, this “processed food” is healthier than its fresh counterpart and […]

Cauliflower is one the most nutritious vegetables nature has to offer, and you should be sure to include it in your diet regularly. Check out my daughter Lucie’s delicious and nutritious recipe for Healthy Cauliflower Fritters. Healthy Cauliflower Fritters Recipe (serves 4-6) 1 large head of cauliflower, steamed 2 eggs ¼ cup feta 2 tsp. […]

The food industry knows that many of you are aware that omega 3 fats are the darlings of the healthy fat world, and they are finding very clever ways to exploit these essential fats as “added value” in their products. You can now find a growing list of “omega 3 fortified” foods including: peanut butter, […]

To improve your appetite control during the morning hours, choose a bowl of oatmeal over a ready-to-eat breakfast cereal. In a carefully conducted head-to-head study, researchers noted that eating a calorically equivalent bowl of prepared oatmeal resulted in greater fullness and less hunger during the following four hours relative to eating a bowl of breakfast […]

Yikes! A messy kitchen may make us eat more. Eating behavior scientists conducted a study looking at snacking in a tidy kitchen vs. a messy kitchen. For this study, researchers placed 98 women into one of two different kitchen environments—one that was organized and clean, and one that was chaotic and unkempt. Each woman was […]