Dr. Ann

  Think that putting on a few pounds is harmless – think again. In a sobering new study presented at a recent scientific meeting, researchers demonstrated that gaining as little as five pounds is enough to drive up blood pressure, particularly if the weight is gained in the belly. For this eight-week study, scientists had […]

I review 1000 plus studies a year related to my expertise and this one rocked me more than any I had read in a long time. In a nutshell, scientist determined that a country’s dietary intakes of omega 3 fats (the “superstar” brain-health fat) relative to omega 6 fats (the fat that directly competes in […]

September 29, 2014 • Healthy Living

4 Major Kitchen No-No's

When it comes to optimal health, what you do in the kitchen matters. Here are 4 major blunders to avoid. Do not use plastic in the storage, preparation or serving of your foods, especially hot foods. Plastics can contain potentially toxic residues like antimony, phthalates, and BPA, and heat facilitates the movement of these biochemically […]

Of all whole grains, quinoa has the best overall nutritional profile. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber. Quinoa provides complete protein – which is very rare in the plant kingdom. Quinoa is uniquely high in two highly prized and super potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, kaemferol and quercetin. (Even more than in berries!) […]

We already know that fruits and veggies can help us look, feel, and stay younger, and now, thanks to some nifty new science, we can also add sexier to that fabulous list. In a first-of-its-type experiment, scientists set out to evaluate how skin coloration impacts the perception of “facial attractiveness” as well as mate selection. […]

September 15, 2014 • Healthy Living

Quick Tip

  To Control Your Alcohol Intake– Always Use a “Rule of Thumb” Too much alcohol is bad for your health and your waistline. To control your intake, always use a “rule of thumb” when you pour.  Studies show that people who make it a habit to pour a half glass of wine or use the “two […]

In a new report published in the American Heart Association’s journal, Hypertension, consuming probiotics as part of a healthy lifestyle appears to significantly lower blood pressure levels, especially in those with hypertension. The analysis combined the results of nine previously published clinical trials and found that regular consumption of probiotics for eight weeks or longer lowered […]

In the largest and most rigorously conducted study to date, organic foods came out on top. This new evaluation included an unprecedented 343 peer-reviewed publications comparing the nutritional quality and safety of fruits, vegetables, and grains grown in organic vs. conventional conditions. The researchers noted three very clear areas of superiority for the organic crops […]

All vegetables have something beneficial to offer the body, but dark leafy greens and cruciferous veggies tend to always shine most brightly in the studies. Make a point to include a serving from both of these stellar veggie groups in your diet each day.  

As a busy working Mother 100 percent committed to feeding my family wholesome and nutritious home-cooked meals– I have mastered the art of efficient grocery shopping. Here are 4 time and sanity saving tips for your trips to the grocer that are guaranteed to improve the nutritional health of your loved ones. Ignore the dizzying array (60 plus […]

Although controversy still exists in terms of optimal supplemental dosages of vitamin D, the evidence is now clear that having low blood levels of this all-important nutrient is associated with a higher risk of premature death. In a large scale new analysis that pooled the data from 32 formerly published studies, researchers found a clear […]

One of the most spectacular scientific advancements of the past two decades has been the realization that we have enormous personal power and control over whether or not we will develop chronic disease.  Thankfully, cancer is no exception.  Based on the latest evidence, about 60% of all cancers could be prevented through diet and healthy lifestyles. Here […]