Dr. Ann

Of all organs of the body, the brain is perhaps the pickiest and most demanding when it comes to the foods and nutrients that suit it best.  To boost your focus and concentration, include the following foods in your life regularly: Beans– canned, fresh, frozen, or dried, beans provide the brain a steady and robust […]

Edamame, also known as fresh green soybeans, are a superstar food that are as pleasing to your taste buds as they are exceptional for boosting health. This convenient and readily available “whole soy food” packs a matrix of nutrients and beneficial compounds that place it clearly in the lead position as one of the most […]

For optimal weight control, be sure to have your protein and eat it too. Past studies have indicated that the amount of protein in the diet plays an influential role in how many total calories are consumed over the day. Thanks to a new study – we now have some scientific verification that getting enough protein is […]

I consider beans to be the most underutilized superfood.  Here are 7 compelling reasons to include them in your diet every day. Beans have megawatt nutritional power.  They provide a hefty dose of vegetable protein, more fiber and folate than any other food group, a load of potent antioxidant flavonoids, and key minerals including iron, […]