Apparently the sky’s the limit when it comes to physical activity and heart health. In the largest and most accurate study of its type to date, scientists concluded that the more we move, the lower our chances of developing cardiovascular disease —with no ceiling effect, meaning more is better. For this study the physical activity level […]
Looking for a sweet way to take a big bite out of your risk for cardiovascular disease? Go eat some fruit! In an evaluation that included over 450,000 Chinese adults followed over a seven-year period, those consuming fruit regularly enjoyed a significant reduction in the risk for heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure. Study […]
In as little as two weeks, a daily dose of a sugary beverage can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in healthy young subjects. That was the riveting conclusion from a clinical trial that is the first to show a direct dose-response relationship between sugary beverage consumption and risk factors for cardiovascular disease. For this […]
Drinking as little as one sugary drink a day may significantly boost the risk of heart disease. That was the conclusion of an analysis of 106,000 women, healthy at enrollment, who reported on their intake of sugary beverages and had their health monitored for the next 25 years. Known as the California Teachers Study, here were […]
For advocates and followers of low-carb/high protein diets, a provocative, report generating some of the first data on specifically how this diet pattern impacts vascular health, I hope will serve to douse any remaining Atkins’ enthusiasm once and for all. Reporting in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Aug 09), scientists found that […]
Cinnamon, like many other spices, has emerged as a true wonder food in terms of almost medicinal-type power to protect our health. A small handful of studies have reported that cinnamon enhances both the metabolism of glucose and cholesterol and may thusly provide protection from type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A study published in the Journal […]
Over the past few years a slew of studies has linked prolonged sitting to cardiovascular disease and premature death. Now for the first time, scientists have some concrete experimental evidence that sheds light on how sitting actually harms the heart and arteries. For this study, scientist had a group of healthy, non-obese men sit continuously for three […]
The disease-busting credentials of apples and berries just received a nice boost thanks to some nifty new science. In the apple study – investigators found that healthy adults who consumed a single large apple a day for four weeks lowered their levels of “oxidized LDL” (the toxic form of bad cholesterol that initiates artery-clogging) by […]
The darlings of the healthy fat world, namely those long-chained omega 3 fats, DHA and EPA, just received a glowing endorsement thanks to a new report in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (August 09). After an exhaustive review of a slew of studies that included tens of thousands of subjects, cardiovascular experts […]