Including a bowl of cereal for breakfast is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to tap into the health-boosting power of whole grains. Eating whole grain cereal may be especially valuable for reducing the risk of high blood pressure. After following over 13,000 male physicians for 16 plus years, scientists found that men […]
Here are some great tips to navigate the grocery store so you can walk out with the best foods to eat right for life! –Ignore the dizzying array (60 plus varieties!) of flavored and specialty yogurts now complicating the yogurt aisle and limit your selections to the one and only truly healthy yogurt—low- fat or […]
Some breakfast cereals contain more than 50% added sugar by weight! Don’t let the one gracing your cereal bowl be one of those! Based on a review by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit research and advocacy organization, the 10 cereals with the highest sugar content (by percentage weight) are: Kellogg’s Honey Smacks (55.6%) Post […]
Cinnamon, like many other spices, has emerged as a true wonder food in terms of almost medicinal-type power to protect our health. A small handful of studies have reported that cinnamon enhances both the metabolism of glucose and cholesterol and may thusly provide protection from type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A study published in the Journal […]
The foods present on your kitchen counter may have a decisive impact on what you weigh! That was the eye-opening upshot from an intriguing new study lead by the Cornell’s famed eating behavior scientist, Dr. Brian Wansink. For this study, Dr. Wansink and his colleagues photographed 210 Syracuse, New York kitchens and then compared the […]
How to Select a Healthy Cereal : There is a dizzying array of cereals to choose from these days with new arrivals on the grocery shelves almost weekly. Some are great for you while others are nutritional disasters. For a guaranteed healthy choice – simply refer to the Nutrition Facts box and select cereals that […]
As a busy working Mother 100 percent committed to feeding my family wholesome and nutritious home-cooked meals– I have mastered the art of efficient grocery shopping. Here are 4 time and sanity saving tips for your trips to the grocer that are guaranteed to improve the nutritional health of your loved ones. Ignore the dizzying array (60 plus […]
Choosing a healthy cereal is easy if you check its Nutrition Facts for these two things: five grams or more of fiber per serving and ten grams or less of sugar per serving. Here are ten common brands of cereal that pass the testbran: Post® Grape Nuts® Post® Great Grains® Kellogg’s® Wheat Chex® Kellogg’s® Bran Flakes® Kellogg’s® Frosted Mini-Wheats® […]
Not many cereals are healthy. Instead, most are just the opposite, loaded with sugar. Based on a review by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit research and advocacy organization, the 10 cereals wtih the highest sugar content (by percentage weight) are: Kellogg’s Honey Smacks (55.6%) Post Golden Crisp (51.9%) Kellogg’s Froot Loops Marshmellow (48.3%) Quaker Oats […]
Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day so it’s important that what you are eating is healthy. So many cereals out there are anything but. Here are ten common brands of cereal that fit my guidelines for 5 grams or more of fiber and 10 grams or less of sugar per serving. Post® […]