Dr. Ann

Americans love to eat at restaurants, but should you be eating out for most of your meals? Today I want to share a bit on the perils of dining out. Over the past few decades, the most dramatic shift in our dietary habits has been the replacement of home-cooked meals with foods prepared by restaurants, […]

Because life happens for me too – sometimes fast food is my only option. Here is how I handle this precarious situation. If I am really pressed for time, my first choice is Subway. Fortunately, Subways are everywhere and now outnumber any other fast food chain. Here is exactly what I order: Turkey and Provolone […]

Eating out, especially fast food, definitely makes eating healthy harder to do. But if you have to eat fast food, here are six tips for making the experience as healthy as possible. Seek out fast food establishments with the greatest selection of healthy options Avoid any fried foods Go for sandwiches or wraps made from whole […]

There is a widespread scientific consensus that dining out increases the risk of eating excess calories and well-conducted studies confirm it. According to a comprehensive evaluation by USDA researchers, here is what you can expect in terms of extra calories when you choose to eat foods away from home: Each additional meal or snack consumed […]

1. Dining out, especially for lunch 2. Eating while distracted, especially while watching TV 3. Eating directly out of the bag, box, or food container, especially large sizes 4. Eating quickly 5. Keeping ready to eat foods visible and in close proximity (think the cookie jar or bags of chips on the kitchen counter)

Dining out in full-service restaurants offers equivalent risks to your health and your bodyweight as noshing on fast food.  That was the sobering conclusion from a new report that followed the dietary habits of a representative sample of 18,098 US adults over an eight-year period. The researchers found that when Americans dine out, whether in a fast […]

Dining out fills you out!! The average meal in casual sit-down restaurants, including restaurants serving ethnic and classic American fare, provides 1,300 calories. It is no wonder that studies show that people who dine out more frequently are more likely to gain weight over time!  

1. Dining out, especially for lunch 2. Eating while distracted, especially while watching TV 3. Eating directly out of the bag, box, or food container, especially large sizes 4. Eating quickly 5. Keeping ready to eat foods visible and in close proximity (think the cookie jar or bags of chips on the kitchen counter)

August 22, 2012 • Healthy Living

Dangers of Fast Food

In addition to solid evidence that eating fast food promotes weight gain and obesity, it appears this infamous form of industrial food may also dramatically boost the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. For this new study, University of Minnesota researchers followed the dietary habits of 52,000 Singapore residents over a 16 year […]

After completing the most rigorous and comprehensive review of scientific data to date, an expert panel of world-renown cancer experts recommended, “fast foods be consumed sparingly, if at all.” They concluded that limiting calorically dense food, especially fast foods and sugary beverages, was one of the most important steps an individual could take to reduce […]

My newest book is now available and I could not be more excited! The third book in my Eat Right for Life series, Eat Right for Life: On The Go walks you through making the best food choices no matter where you find yourself. Be sure to check it out today! Now available on my […]

When dining out, there are a couple foods you should absolutely AVOID to make sure you are eating the healthiest. You should really try to stay away from these foods: Fried foods (fries, fish sandwiches, fried chicken) Oversized portions Full fat salad dressings Biscuits Sugar-fortified beverages (cola, sweet tea) Anything with cheese on it Instead, […]