Dr. Ann

Canned pumpkin provides the highest concentration of carotenoids of all foods. Carotenoids are special plant-based antioxidants that keep our hearts, eyes, and skin healthy while lowering our cancer risk. Canned pumpkin is fantastic for weight control because it is high in fiber and low in calories. Given its remarkable nutritional firepower, it is a food […]

If you are looking for a tasty and easy way to get even more nutritional oomph from your salad veggies, then look to eggs. That was the conclusion from a study that sought to find out if adding cooked eggs to a salad would increase the absorption of a prized group of veggie-based compounds called carotenoids. For […]

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of adult blindness, and eating fish may offer a big catch for prevention.  According to the powerful, Harvard-based Women’s Health Study, women who consumed one or more servings of fish weekly were 42 percent less likely to develop AMD versus those eating fish once or less a […]

  As the wife of an ophthalmologist, I have a special appreciation for the value of good eyesight, and a study suggests that lifestyle factors under our direct control may help protect our vision. For the evaluation, researchers tracked vision and lifestyle factors in nearly 5,000 US adults over a 20-year period. Study subjects who […]

A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition adds to the ever-growing list of modern-day chronic diseases linked to the regular consumption of high glycemic (rapidly digested) carbs like white potatoes, white bread, sugar, and sweets.    In a study involving over 4,000 subjects aged 55 to 80, those who consumed the highest glycemic diets […]

Eggs are an under-appreciated economical superfood. Here are 8 reasons to enjoy them as regulars in your diet. Eggs have the highest quality protein of all foods. In fact, eggs are used as the “reference standard” for evaluating a food’s protein quality. Eggs, particularly omega 3 fortified eggs, contain healthy fats. Eggs provide all the B vitamins. […]

While carrots are notorious for helping to improve your eyesight, they also contain significant nutritional value and help control disease. Learn more about what a superstar carrots are in this short video: Carrots RELATED Carrot Sesame Burgers [RECIPE]

Over the past decade we have learned that nutrition plays a profound role in maintaining eye health. If you want to keep your eye sight sharp and lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), our leading cause of adult blindness – be sure to get your omega 3 fats. In a 12 year clinical […]