If you want to live longer and significantly reduce your risk of death from heart disease - put eating fish on your healthy to do list. In a first-of-its-kind study, scientist determined that study subjects with the highest blood levels of omega 3 fatty acids (a reliable marker for fish consumption) lowered their overall risk of death by 27% […]
Fish oil supplements made headline news on 2 fronts this month. The largest clinical trial ever undertaken to test the efficacy of fish oil for the treatment of depression revealed some very promising and happy results. For study subjects with unipolar depression (depression without an anxiety disorder), the fish oil supplement relieved depression on par […]
Oily fish is nature’s most abundant source of long-chained omega 3 fatty acids, currently considered the Queen of the healthy fats. It also happens to be nature’s only food that provides a hefty dose of vitamin D, the current King of vitamins. “Oily” fish include salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and lake trout. To view a […]