Dr. Ann

Current recommended daily calcium intakes for adults are: 1000 mg for males and females < 51 1200 mg for females 51+ If you consume three daily servings of a calcium-rich food (see below) and make a point to regularly consume green vegetables like collards, kale, turnip greens, broccoli, and cabbage you should achieve optimal intakes. […]

I am personally convinced that you can eat yourself happy or eat yourself sad, but it is great to get some data to back up my beliefs. In an evaluation that monitored the diets of over 2000 adult males in Finland for a period of 13-20 years, those adhering to a “healthy” diet had less […]

Edamame, also known as fresh green soybeans, are a superstar food that are as pleasing to your taste buds as they are exceptional for boosting health. This convenient and readily available “whole soy food” packs a matrix of nutrients and beneficial compounds that place it clearly in the lead position as one of the most […]